Race Day

March 2012

It was here. My official first 5K run. Since I was volunteering, I was up before 5am – Grrrrrrrr. It was rainy and pretty chilly. I think the high was predicted to be around 40 degrees that day. Arrived at 5:45am and the building was locked. We waited and waited and began to stress out. The race director could not get in touch with the owner of the building. She knew where he lived but was hesitant to do anything until the track coach arrived. Registration was to begin at 7:00 and here we were, standing outside freezing our asses off and ticked. We were going to look like idiots if runners arrived before we got in.

6:45am…..What to do? I recommended that we at least get the paperwork out so we could begin checking in anyone who might show up. So unprofessional but a last resort. Racer’s began arriving and we did the best we could with flashlight app’s and damp registration forms until we finally were able inside (the building owner thought we were setting up at 7:00 not registering at 7:00). Miscommunication…….get your shit together already.

We managed to pull it together. I worked registration until 9:15 and the race was to begin at 9:30. Made the mistake of not bringing any pre-race snack and I was STARVING. (In previous years, breakfast was provided for the volunteers!) Well, here goes nothing!

I guess runners have their own philosophies about where you should position yourself at the start line. I had no clue but decided to start in the front 1/3. I had been using the “Map My Run” app and set it to tell me my pace every 1/4 mile so that I could keep on track and had my 5K playlist in my ear buds with songs to keep me pumped. I was ready. It was strange to feel like a part of a herd of bulls when the horn blew but I managed to find a clear pathway near the edge of the street. The adrenaline rush was amazing. Each time I passed a runner, it kicked me up a notch. I found a guy who was running just over the pace I was comfortable at and I stayed a few feet behind him to keep me going strong. Just beyond the halfway point, I saw my son ahead of me. I was keeping up with the track star! (Forgot to mention that he hadn’t worked out since graduation last June and was now a smoker lol) but so what – I was on the tail of a 17 year old kid. When I passed him he put it into full gear and passed me back in the matter of a couple minutes. This got me going and I ran him down until he had to stop and walk. lmao.

Crossing that finish line was a wonderful feeling. I ran a 25.33 – not quite my goal but not shabby either. I won my age group in my first 5K attempt and that was a huge accomplishment. Guess my competitive spirit is a true motivator. A memorable day to say the least.

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