Holiday Pudge is for the Birds

thanksgiving feast

It’s that time of year again…colder weather is sending us into hibernation mode and our activity level slows to a crawl. This time of year can be a struggle for those who are trying to shed body fat or maintain the goals they worked so intently to reach.

It all begins with that damned Halloween where the sweet tooth gets re-activated through the temptation of leftover candy screaming at us from its bowl or worse yet, from your children’s stash – I know we have all gone there….trying to only take the varieties that are most abundant in hopes that the kiddies won’t notice the dwindling Snicker’s bars. These snack size devils reel us in with their tiny size making it easy to validate cheating with one itty bitty bite of chocolate, but who has ever stopped at one?? So, we pack on a couple extra pounds, no big deal, we’ll work it off in no time.

But wait….Christmas Bells are ringing extra early this year and we get a little busier beginning our Christmas shopping, receiving holiday party invitations and so on that we begin missing a workout here and there. Then, BAM! Thanksgiving sneaks up on us like a Jack-in-the-Box. Oh yes, thoughts of turkey, gravy, potatoes and pie begin to brew (not to mention the quantity of wine needed to deal with family drama) and with the average Thanksgiving dinner consisting of between 3,000 and 4,500 calories, that’s a hard jab cross to our fitness plans. But, it’s only one day so we’ll be okay….we think.

Before we know it, December is here and it’s officially the holiday season and we all know how that pans out. Packed schedules leading to many missed gym sessions and temptations left and right from multiple gatherings with various family and friends, work parties, food baskets and baked goods being gifted to us left and right and even our own baking pitfalls. We all have to admit to snitching cookies to “taste” just to make sure they’re edible for the recipients, completely inhaling the ones that aren’t attractive enough to give away (even purposely messing up a few to make sure you have an excuse to keep some for yourself), or if you’re like me, eating balls of dough before they even make it to the cookie sheet!

Finally, it’s New Years Eve, and we resolve to get fit in the New Year which has been our resolution for as long as we can remember. Depressing, I know, but true for many of us. The average person will gain between 4 and 10 pounds between Halloween and New Years but don’t beat yourself up if you fall into this category. It’s reality and making a resolution and setting goals to raise your fitness level each year is a great way to get back on track.

I am currently up 10 pounds since last November. I did not shed my holiday “baggage” from 2013 but I commend myself for maintaining this weight throughout the year and keeping up with my 6 day a week workout routine for the most part. I won’t wait until the New Year to start fresh…I start fresh every day and try to stay proud of my body no matter what I weigh. I’ve been 200 lbs and I’ve been 110 lbs and I have found that I am at my happiest between 130 and 140 so I’ve got a little work to do and when I want it bad enough, I’ll make it happen and so can you!