A New Chapter

Fall 2011

So, a whole new world of fitness was unfolding before me…… Weight Training. I had always thought that being “thin” was what I was striving for but once I started to see the muscle definition that was materializing, I realized that “thin” was no longer to be my goal – I was going to be “FIT”.

Yeah, I had some fitness knowledge and was already using the weight machines at the gym as part of my routine, maybe 20 minutes compared to my 60 minutes of cardio in order to get “toned”, but lifting wasn’t a priority and I didn’t push myself very hard. “Muscle weighs more than fat” – I had heard that for so many years that I definitely didn’t want to overdo the whole weight thing.

Winter was approaching and my new experience with apartment living turned out to be a blessing because MY COMPLEX HAS A GYM! As the days became colder and the ice and snow started to tick me off, there were days when I just didn’t want to go the half mile up the road to my gym (I know….don’t judge). So, I would walk down the hall for my trusty one hour cardio session. I wanted to stay toned so I bought a set of dumbbells and began level 1 of The Butt Bible alternating upper and lower body routines daily. Wow, this was sure a lot more difficult than those gym machines….and it was only level 1! I questioned my level of fitness at that point. “How could I not be fit? I work out every day!”

After a couple of weeks of hell, I managed to get through level 1 without having to stop due to burning, shaking or exhaustion, so it was on to level 2. Shit, I really wasn’t in shape…..but my headstrong determination told myself that I was going to conquer these damned DVDs even if it killed me! Day after day I dealt with either not being able to walk or not being able to wave then suddenly my whole world changed……I had triceps!!!!! Now, anyone who lifts weights (or any woman at least) has to know that a visible tricep muscle is not easy to achieve. This day changed my life lol.

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